#18933 Купить [250$] Агентский БМ|Агентский BM Лимит 250$ с первого дня. 4 РК после первого билла + Агентская поддержка. Возраст 2-4 года. Лимита такой же как у БМ 250 BM 250.

- Partner center and agent support available
Agent BM Has 1 office, 4 more can be created after the first bill. The cabinet limit is 250 (Spend $250 immediately from the first day), which can increase after a spill. Country, currency and time zone vary.
Warranty for BM (Replacement of goods):
- In case the BM or account is immediately banned.
- If the account limit is not $250.
- In case the account limit is applied after linking a card or running an advertisement within 24 hours.
No Warranty (No Replacement):
- If the BM or account is banned after any actions in the BM. Linking a card, changing the country or currency, sending documents, launching advertising, etc. If the limit also drops, in this case there is no replacement.
- If the BM or account is banned due to inaction the next day (Guarantee until the end of the day). No claims will be accepted in this case, since the agency has been operating for a long time, all problems that arise will be associated exclusively with the receiving party .
- If an error occurs when linking a card, or FB cannot hold funds on the card to confirm it. You need to try again, or use a different card.